
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?


How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?
Trying to understand the past is a hard question but I will try to explain it in my own word so that anyone can understand.

Understanding the past can help us by seeing what mistakes we made so that we can evolve from those mistakes and fix them to help us it the future. Like why wars happen we can look to the past and stop that from happening in the future.

Understanding the past can help us understand our world by looking at the features or roads mountains or even features of artifacts people used a long time ago. Or bones from some prehistoric animal to see if it is an everyday animal we see, like an elephant back then it was a mammoth or tiger back then was a saber tooth tiger.

Also it helps me learn about my culture where I am from who the rulers were at that time, why the flag is made that way. I could find out who my ancestors were and who the kings and queen's were at that time who was important in that time do I know anyone from back then?

Another way was through cave paintings that mostly symbolizes what happened in a modern hominid day was like if there were any wars. But know that scientist have more evidence they are able to hypothesize what the hominids were like and how they survived.

Also we learn from the past like how they catch food the spear became something much more power full and harder to brake, the sword. The spear thrower, the gun and traps these days everything is so high tech like a trip wire back then they only had leaves and their own hands to dig a hole and put leaves on top so that when the meal walked by it would fall in a hole and be trapped.

In conclusion there are many differences from back then to this very day yet at the same time there are similarities and understanding the past can help us understand the world very much in all the reasons I listed.



Sunday, August 15, 2010

Which Social Scientist Are You?

This week during Humanities class you have been introduced to and discussed Social Scientists (Archaeologists, Historians and Geographers). Now is the time to make a choice as to which of the three Social Scientist jobs you would  like to do! Perhaps you love dinosaurs, or digging in dirt? Maybe you're really interested in the climate or the terrain? Or do you just love it all? Either way, please tell us which of the three Social Scientist jobs you would most like to do.
   Provide a minimum of 3 reasons and explanations  (3 paragraphs in total)as to why you think you would be great at that job, as well as two graphic images (with sources cited) that represent your "dream" job! 
Good Luck!

My Social Scientist job is Archaeologist.

One reason is I have always loved to learn about the past and important history also because I could get rich and famous and be recognized all over the world and I would  be able to travel the world which I would really like to do. To Egypt for the Mummies, Greece for the Ancient Greeks, Italy for the Romans and Sweden, Denmark and Norway for the Vikings. Plus I have watched a lot of shows on National Geographic. 

The second is how it would affect my life. I think it would affect my life in many ways some good some bad but mostly good. I would have to travel a lot and I would not be able to have a proper family; well I could but it would be difficult. I would be able to work at a museum while I am not out exploring and I could share with kids all my adventures and influence them to become an Archaeologist. Also I would have a huge mansion to store all my work and I would be really famous.

The third is I have seen a lot of movies with archaeologists as the main characters like Brendan Fraser in The Mummy, Harrison ford in Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull and Angelina Jolie as Tomb raider.

Most Archaeologists use metal detectors to find metal under ground and they dig up dirt or sand or grass to see if they can find any pottery or maps or pieces of paper to relate to the past time in history. If they find any what we call things (they call artifacts) with ancient text on it they run their fingers across it like Braille to read it or they dust it off with a brush to get a clearer image if there are pictures on it.

Some Archaeologists find bones in the dirt could be from Dinosaurs years ago to dog these days, they could even find Mummies and in ancient Egypt, to Greek swords and armor or Viking hats and hammers or swords. They might even find some Egyptian cases or some cool sword or daggers and some roman swords.

Another artifact that Archaeologists find are not artifacts they are places like tombs under-ground or even above ground. Also there are places made out of rock which are now tourist attractions like Stonehenge is a really famous one or even something some people see everyday like the pyramids in Egypt one day a long time ago a man who probably after that became an Archaeologist discovered that. Or a whole country like Pompeii was founded around the 7th-6th century by Osci or Oscans. 

Images source:

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6200000/Indiana-Jones-harrison-ford-6299738-1024-768.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fanpop.com/spots/harrison-ford/images/6299738/title/indiana-jones-wallpaper&usg=__mlfxs9jw3qDbMx7sMkckqmaIb5Y=&h=768&w=1024&sz=232&hl=en&start=40&tbnid=me9KvS_9YSSciM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=155&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dindiana%2Bjones%2Bharrison%2Bford%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D865%26bih%3D473%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10,1247&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=322&ei=KR5pTLOmNYiEvAPrgpH-Aw&oei=GR1pTNz2D9KjcbXrkJAF&esq=3&page=5&ndsp=9&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:40&tx=87&ty=27&biw=865&bih=473 : Indiana jones picture

Picture of Mummy case

Picture of romans 

Picture of Archaeologists at work

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Humanities Homework

Blog Post #1:

1. First, introduce yourself. Write a brief paragraph about who you are and where you are from.
Hi my name is Shannon Charlton- Strang my nickname is shan. I am the daughter of Dawn Charlton-Strang and Alvin Strang. Sister to Leanne Reid, David Webster, Shelley Strang, Kerri Young. My hobbies are... soccer, baseball,basketball and many more. I come from Scotland that is in eroupe and I come from Ireland which is right next to scotland.

2. What are the last three books you have read? (Include authors names please!)
1. Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy : Douglas adams
2. The borrowers: Mary norton
3. Freaky friday: Mary rodges

3. What is the last movie you have seen?

SALT with Angelina jolie and Liev schreiber 

Photo source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://topnews.in/light/files/salt-movie11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.topnews.in/light/people/angelina-jolie&usg=__dagflK2OxzNSuWp_n6cytFkUkqA=&h=698&w=470&sz=40&hl=en&start=8&tbnid=6A-vf0QPd251EM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsalt%2Bmocie%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D865%26bih%3D473%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10,350&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=251&vpy=87&dur=30&hovh=394&hovw=264&tx=101&ty=154&ei=cLdeTIiWHIy4vQPF14CaDA&oei=bLdeTPrrC8e2cafWldoO&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:8&biw=865&bih=473

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944835/ This is a website you can search to see more info.

4. What is one academic goal you have for this year?
To try and do well in each of my classes.

5. What is one social goal you have for this year?
To be able to get my homework done on time and orginized.

6. What is your favorite vacation memory?
When I went to Lankawi with my dad and his friend we went to a beach at the beach we went bannana boating, paragliding and jet skiing it was so much fun! 

7. List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.