Some benefits of working with a classmate are... well now that we have a friend to work with you can ask questions about the book while working on it. So if you do not understand one part you always have you partner to help. Another is if you need help for example you cant think of a question and a response to go with it, you can ask you partner. Another benefit is that you can split the work. So if some reason you can not get a part done your partner can help you.
2. Challenges obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).
A challenge I over came was the ability to create level 2-3 questions. Now I am able to create mostly level two questions but at times my brain explodes and I create a really advanced level three question. Another challenge I overcome was to be able to find a good passage. Now I realize a good passage is a really interesting paragraph than contains action maybe mind twisting events. It must contain some information that is really interesting.
3. New understandings that you gained about the novel.
Having a partner helped me understand the novel in a few ways one way is that I could see some parts about the novel in different point of views. Like when he was making the fire I thought that he would not succeed but Dhabitah said that he must or else he will not live.
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