
Thursday, March 17, 2011

I can....... LIE?

Question: Why was Jonas so surprised about lying?

How do you know if someone is lying to you? Well usually there are some sign's, like maybe they chuckle or maybe the just smile, do they play with something. There are many ways to find out in our world but theirs it is much different.

When Jonas was told by the Giver that he was able to lie he kind of, freaked out. Jonas got quite scared with over a billion things going through his mind, with being the receiver of memory and everything. But there were two examples that came very clearly.

Number one is Jonas was wondering if he were to lie if it would affect his friendship with Asher or Fiona or anyone. Or even if it were to affect his family. Would he lie to his family unit, his parents or even lily. Has he done this but he does not know it. But what my realization was that you would not be able to lie because then that would break their system, their utopia system. If you were to lie and the person were to find out then you would have an enemy, but everyone has to be nice to each other. So what would that make the liar, a liar, a untrustworthy person, a enemy, a RULE-BREAKER. You can't break rules there it is even against the rules.

Number two is nearly the same but it is about if he can trust others. How does Jonas know that everyone is being completely honest with him. What if they got the direction to lie? What if they all ready lie? How does he know. Well he doesn't, and others don't necessarily know if he is lying either. But obviously some time in your life you have to lie, but do they? There are a lot of questions.

1 comment:

  1. Over all the blog was good. Next time you might want to add some quotes. Shannon The second reason dose not anser the question, why was Jonas so surprised about lying? All it is are questions. But if you had some of those questions and gave a kinda detailed answer and explained why it would be so much better. Over all I thought it was good!! Keep up the good work! :P
