
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


In 1935 a series of laws were introduced which further restricted the civil rights and personal freedoms of Jews. Upon reading the information provided on the link, answer these questions:

1. Who could now be defined as a "Jew"?

It wasn't your religious beliefs it was if you had any jewish ancestors if your great great grandfather was a jew you would then also be counted as a jew. Which I think is unfair because if you were a German who agreed with Hitler and also thought that the jews deserved what happened to them and you suddenly got taken away to a camp just because your great grandfathers great grandfather was a jew, that is not your fault.

2. What was meant by "Aryanizing" Jewish Businesses?

They would not let the jews be able to have their own businesses so a German who was not jew would then take over the business and the jew would get no of the income that was collected.

3. How were Jews who were professionals (lawyers, doctors etc.) restricted?

Jewish Doctors were still aloud to do their jobs but the catch was that they could only treat patients that were jew and so non-jew doctors would only treat non-jews. But what I think is unfair that lawyers could not practice law at all so they could not do anything so they pretty much didn't have a job as a lawyer.

4. What did Jewish identity cards need to include now?

Every one in Germany at the time had to carry identity card and to make the soldiers jobs easier they would stamp RED J on their cards and they would change their middle names if you did not have a first name that was Israel or Sara.

5. What was the "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" (sum up in your own words)?

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, "jews" is capitalized..also, just answer the questions, you were not meant to put in your opinions! You didn't answer the last question! 7/10
