
Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

This story is about a man whose house got destroyed in the hurricane Katrina. He then had the choice to stay in New Orleans, or to go to another county where he could get a job and get paid three times as much as he is now. He chose to stay there he believes in attachment to place as so do I. I have been all around the world but Scotland (no matter where I am) will always be home.


DOMIKNOW....!!!!! LA...LA....LA

  • I learn best when...

  • I need to...

  • The strategies that would help me in my learning...

  • I would like my teachers to know this about me...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chapter 1 Summary

The story starts with a fortuneteller and a King. Acrisius, king of Argos had a daughter named Danae. The fortuneteller foretold that his grandson would kill him. To prevent this he locked Danae in a tower. Zeus, shaped himself to be a shower of gold, Perseus was born.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Name

My name is shannon. Shannon is not really a viral or common name but there are quite a few people named this. My name has many meaning's the most common is the longest lake in Ireland. I am from scotland but that is why it probably makes sense. Another meaning is that it is a airport in scotland. I really like my name because it is not long nor is it short. Also it is really simple to say and I haven't had anyone that has had trouble saying it. Once when I was small I wanted to change my name to Skye because it was a place I went to in scotland. Skye is a very beautiful island and I really like it there. That was really the only name I wanted. I have a couple different nick names one my parents call me is sha. Which is one of the shortened versions of my name. Another is shan. My dad calls me shasbat sometimes. I got my name because my mom is from Ireland and she thought it was a nice name. My name is gaelic, which is a Scottish language. I have never gotten teased because of my name except my middle name some people thought it was funny because it is Rebekah.

Classic Great Myths

On the 3 of september we watched two movies the first one was called - Icarus and Daedalus, the second one was Theseus and the Minotaur. Our assignment was to do a review about both the movies.

Which one did you enjoy most? Why?

I enjoyed the movie about both Icarus and Daedalus because it was so informational not only about the father and the son, but also about the nephew and king minos and his daughters. When I saw the ideas that Daedalus had in his mind were amazing especially since he doesn't have technology or that many items to work with. Also to make a labyrinth that is almost impossible to escape is amazing. The rest of the movies was really depressing and sad. The reason I did not choose Theseus and the minotaur was because I thought it was very depressing and sad. Both were quite sad but this one was much more sad.

Was it the characters or the story you enjoyed?

I believe that the characters shape the story but also vise versa. Without the characters the story is quite boring and plain, but with them the story becomes very interesting and compelling. So in other words I like both equally.

In thinking of the themes in these stories, what do they have in common?

Well there are a few different words that these stories have in common, they are promise, defeat, personally uplifting, greif and tragedy. When I talk about promise I mean how Theseus broke his promise to Adriane and his father. And how Icarus broke his promise to his father by going to close to the sun and melting the wax on the wings. By defeat I mean how Theseus had defeated the Minotaur and how Daedalus defeated himself by killing his son and his nephew.

These are some of the explanation's of the characteristics of the things both movies have in common.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Is Near

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
Well the piece of work that I believe I am most proud of is..... most of the work that we covered in trimester three, I am not really proud about a specific piece of work. Just some main units like Egypt or the unit we are covering now about Greece.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
One of my greatest challenges was organization, Organization in second trimester was the worst during this trimester I was handing my homework in about a week late. Also my locker was a complete mess there was no organization in there whatsoever. In my locker I had book that had not been returned for months, I had P.E. clothes that stunk up the whole locker. Since I do a lot of activities I had about three bags in my locker all crammed together. Also my work was so messy. When I wrote I did not care about what I said or what it looked like. Now that I am so near to seventh grade I see that I am becoming more mature and getting my work in on time and it looks like there is some effort been Put into it.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Well when we were doing our letters about our dominant areas I learned a massive amount of information. These test taught me more about my self on so many levels. The packets told us a lot about our selves, some of the things I never took the time to realize. Also as I look back my first trimester was good then I flunked all the way down during the second semester, then during the third I went back up getting everything in on time and being much more organized. I really have grown both socially and academically.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

I choose satisfactory because sometimes I tend to goof off or get really hyper and distract the class, but other times I am quiet and listen to the teacher and participate in class discussions. Also I could be more responsible but most of the time I am but I mature and responsible most of the time.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Even if I am really hyper or if I am quiet I always participate in discussions. I always want to go beyond and get more explained definition, thus telling you that I always ask questions. If I dont understand I ask question. I ask my friends and the teacher.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

As I said during the second trimester I thought I would need to pay some one to help me with my locker. It was so unbelievably disgusting that people would have to help me to close it by bashing it with our shoulders. But I also said during the first and third that it was fine. I was more organized and I didn't even need to push to close it. Also in class I was getting work in on time, projects were complete and they looked nice.
d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We need freedom and choice.... We have freedom and choice

" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn.
The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him.
"There could be love" Jonas whispered.

The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the
memories, told him to throw the pill away"

Our blog post this week is to talk about FREEDOM and CHOICE. Us these days we all different races and genders we all have rights and and FREEDOM and CHOICE. Also still in the world there are people that don't agree with having different people in their lives. What we have to do is tell people that we are all the same we just look different or maybe talk different.

But this quote represents FREEDOM in a few ways.

Number one is that in the quote it talks about how he is guilty about giving the memories to Gabriel but he is not telling anyone. This tells that he is lying and also that he is making a CHOICE to lie. Now that he is the receiver of memory he has the FREEDOM to lie and make his CHOICES. Also he feel's guilty which we all know is a emotion of sadness or even happiness.

The second piece of evidence is that he also talks about not taking his pills any more. This shows that he is beginning to make his own CHOICES, he now has FREEDOM to do what he wants, but he still needs to have some sort of control over hm like the giver or his family unit.

This is the few reasons that show you that Jonas has gotten FREEDOM and CHOICE.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I can....... LIE?

Question: Why was Jonas so surprised about lying?

How do you know if someone is lying to you? Well usually there are some sign's, like maybe they chuckle or maybe the just smile, do they play with something. There are many ways to find out in our world but theirs it is much different.

When Jonas was told by the Giver that he was able to lie he kind of, freaked out. Jonas got quite scared with over a billion things going through his mind, with being the receiver of memory and everything. But there were two examples that came very clearly.

Number one is Jonas was wondering if he were to lie if it would affect his friendship with Asher or Fiona or anyone. Or even if it were to affect his family. Would he lie to his family unit, his parents or even lily. Has he done this but he does not know it. But what my realization was that you would not be able to lie because then that would break their system, their utopia system. If you were to lie and the person were to find out then you would have an enemy, but everyone has to be nice to each other. So what would that make the liar, a liar, a untrustworthy person, a enemy, a RULE-BREAKER. You can't break rules there it is even against the rules.

Number two is nearly the same but it is about if he can trust others. How does Jonas know that everyone is being completely honest with him. What if they got the direction to lie? What if they all ready lie? How does he know. Well he doesn't, and others don't necessarily know if he is lying either. But obviously some time in your life you have to lie, but do they? There are a lot of questions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Should Your future be decided?

1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not? We your future should not be decided because of many reasons. Number one is that when your future is decided you have no freedom. You are not allowed to go out and just try new things. Say you get the job to be a doctor, you don't have the freedom to expand your reputation by becoming a surgeon. When you have no freedom you cant try the best you can if all you can do is your worst. I believe that people all should have some control so that they don't vandalize or anything but people should also have some freedom. Number two is that you should have a choice. Usually most people including adults and children, when they don't like what they are doing they tend to do a worse job. So what if you got the job of working in the house of the old, and you hated that job, that was the last one you would want. You are stuck with that job for the rest of your life until you are old. And I know that the Elders pay very close attention to you so that they know what you should be, but what if you change as you get older. Of course everybody changes but what if you change attitude and your body shape, then you might not want that job. That is why we should have choice so that when they work they do good and they have fun.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pharaoh Blogpost

1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?
I think they created them so people will remember what they did. Also for people to remember who they are if they did something great or something so bad.

2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).
Well one is the Lincoln Memorial near the smithsonian museum. The Lincoln Memorial is in honor of Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe. They built it after he died.

3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?
Well one way is that when we both had an idea we did not need a thumb drive or to wait till school started we could do it straight on the doc. Also at the same time we could chat to each other to give our ideas.

4. What did you learn from this assignment?
I learned a lot about Hatshepsut and her everyday life of being a Pharaoh, how it was being the first female Pharaoh and all that information. Also we learned about other Pharaoh's and how they can relate to Hatshepsut.

5. What was challenging?
The most and only challenging thing for us was the uploading and the inserting. We used so much Multi-Media that it was difficult to upload it all on.

6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Ride of My Life

My foot jammed underneath the foot brake - this was a manual ATV.  My heart races as I speed down the biggest slope on the whole mountain backwards.  I cannot move.  The ATV was hitting rocks that caused the handlebars to move side to side.  My friend, hollering my name behind me as I am about to bash into him.  Suddenly I hit a rock I turned to the other direction.  I continued to go down passed him the edge of the cliff is just behind me.  I get my foot to the break but I hit another rock and the ATV goes berserk it changes direction completely but I missed the cliff.  My heart slows down knowing that I am not going to die on this cliff but I do not know what awaits behind me.  My helmet slips round I am blinded and beginning to suffocate.  I near the end of the hill.  The instructors followed after me.  My friend jumps off his ATV and runs towards me and I keep thinking in my head "this is it".  There is a copse of trees behind me as I look over my shoulder.  The biggest tree lay ahead.  "BOOM".  I tumble off and hit multiple trees I am covered in dirt.  I close my eyes and think to myself "I am a survivor". 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Resolute This Statment....

This year of 2011 I have two major resolutions. One is to get more organized, not only in school but also in my home in my work places or in my bedroom. The second is to learn Malay, to communicate with others.

The word "ORGANIZATION" used to mean nothing to me until today. Today is the day that I will begin to create a start for my new years resolution. In organization area there are a few things I need to work on. One, is in class I need to bring all my supplies in like a pencil various amounts. Several pens, at least one eraser, whiteout and some other supplies. Also in school I need to concentrate in class so that information is not everywhere. Also I need to concentrate so that I will do better in my work. My homework does not get done in time sometimes, I believe it is because I do not listen in class for the information. Or perhaps I just don't get stuck into it. I always loose things around my house, like binders,  homework, water bottles.... I need to learn to keep things in place.

Organization, not only at school but also at home. My work space where I do my homework is just a pile of junk sometimes. Other times it is clean, but when it is clean I can't find anything so I need to figure out a way to have my junk but to the side where I can still find everything but I have a clean work space. In my bedroom sometimes I think it is a bomb shelter. Everything is everywhere. It gets cleaned every other day but it doesn't stay that way for long. I have my clothes everywhere. There are toys on the floor, bed sheets everywhere. I think I need to find a way to organize my toys into boxes and learn to put them away. Make my own bed every morning. This Resolution has been the same for two years now. I have never gotten round to sticking to it.

The second is to learn Malay. Everywhere I go people try to talk to me in Malay and people keep saying learn Malay. I am living in Malaysia I need to learn Malay some places I go the teach me a bit and I still remember what they taught me. Another thing is sign's they are all in Malay. Directions are in Malay. I think Malay would be a good language to learn but I am just afraid if it will interfere with my Spanish or my after school activity. (If I do Malay for and after school activity). My mom may home school me because she speaks some Malay.

These are my new year resolutions that I will stick to.