
Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Name

My name is shannon. Shannon is not really a viral or common name but there are quite a few people named this. My name has many meaning's the most common is the longest lake in Ireland. I am from scotland but that is why it probably makes sense. Another meaning is that it is a airport in scotland. I really like my name because it is not long nor is it short. Also it is really simple to say and I haven't had anyone that has had trouble saying it. Once when I was small I wanted to change my name to Skye because it was a place I went to in scotland. Skye is a very beautiful island and I really like it there. That was really the only name I wanted. I have a couple different nick names one my parents call me is sha. Which is one of the shortened versions of my name. Another is shan. My dad calls me shasbat sometimes. I got my name because my mom is from Ireland and she thought it was a nice name. My name is gaelic, which is a Scottish language. I have never gotten teased because of my name except my middle name some people thought it was funny because it is Rebekah.

Classic Great Myths

On the 3 of september we watched two movies the first one was called - Icarus and Daedalus, the second one was Theseus and the Minotaur. Our assignment was to do a review about both the movies.

Which one did you enjoy most? Why?

I enjoyed the movie about both Icarus and Daedalus because it was so informational not only about the father and the son, but also about the nephew and king minos and his daughters. When I saw the ideas that Daedalus had in his mind were amazing especially since he doesn't have technology or that many items to work with. Also to make a labyrinth that is almost impossible to escape is amazing. The rest of the movies was really depressing and sad. The reason I did not choose Theseus and the minotaur was because I thought it was very depressing and sad. Both were quite sad but this one was much more sad.

Was it the characters or the story you enjoyed?

I believe that the characters shape the story but also vise versa. Without the characters the story is quite boring and plain, but with them the story becomes very interesting and compelling. So in other words I like both equally.

In thinking of the themes in these stories, what do they have in common?

Well there are a few different words that these stories have in common, they are promise, defeat, personally uplifting, greif and tragedy. When I talk about promise I mean how Theseus broke his promise to Adriane and his father. And how Icarus broke his promise to his father by going to close to the sun and melting the wax on the wings. By defeat I mean how Theseus had defeated the Minotaur and how Daedalus defeated himself by killing his son and his nephew.

These are some of the explanation's of the characteristics of the things both movies have in common.